The show is about Lena Grisky, a young ballet dancer from 1905 in Russia, is accidentally transported into the 21st century to Paris with the power of a magical necklace called timepiece. Henri, her boyfriend, desperately tries to bring her back. While Lena herself tries to figure out a way how to return to 1905, she has to adapt to the modern world to keep her secret of being a time traveller, especially because the Time Collectors are tracking her in an attempt to steal her magical necklace. With her best friends always at her side, Lena not only learns a lot about time travel and faces the challenges that come with it. She also trains hard at the Paris Opera Ballet School for her greatest dream to come true: to become a ballerina of the Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra national de Paris, the Paris Opera Ballet.
Find me in Paris first aired 2018 on Hulu and was produced by ZDF and Cottonwood Media in special cooperation with the Paris Opera Ballet. It consists of three seasons with 26 episodes each, 78 episodes in total. For more key data, view the infobox to the right.